Shyah's hurted paw, Jean Paul Gaultier Diet Coke, RedBull Mini Cooper, Steak dinner Mmmm.
His 'n' Hers Costa, 4 New pairs of PJ's, Cool den under a tree, Hospital for Bambi.
Angel Hello Kitty, Post Op Meds, Beautiful flowers from Jennifer, My get well soon bits.
Bit of a miserable and pain filled week for me. But glad its all over and I'm now on the mend :) Staying in is makin me nuts soo if anyone has any anti-boredom tricks I'd love to know them!!??
I just want to say another huge massive thankyou to Jennifer from TheBigBurd for my amazingly lovely flowers! They've definitely helped to cheer me up <3 Ive got a super nice haul post for you next week so look out for that! Its a good one trust me :) Have a good weekend and if you're a follower of my blog dont forget to enter my giveaway!!!
Bambi xx